Automise's Graphical Interface
The Automise Interface
Automise provides a structured graphical interface for creating, debugging and running
Windows automation projects.
Creating a project involves adding actions from the left side of the interface into
a hierarchal tree on the right of the interface.
You can add as many or as few actions as required to automate your task and also
group actions to help organise the project.
Once a project is defined, you can run it from within the interface and view the
log files for it once completed.
Main Action List
The main action list is where you define your Windows automation project. The project
script is a set of actions, which are executed from the top to the bottom. Actions
may be laid out in a hierarchal manner so that you can add structure to your project.
In the example to the right, the "Try" and "Catch" nodes have been collapsed to
draw attention to other steps in the "Finally" action group.
The OnFailure action list is a special list of actions which will only be executed
if your project fails. OnFailure actions typically "clean up" so that the next project
runs without error eg. Delete files created during the project.
Action Types
The “Action Types” tab lists all the actions available for adding to your Window’s
automation project. Actions are grouped into categories, like File Operations, Archivers,
CD/DVD burning, PsTools, Internet etc.. There are hundreds of actions to automate
many different tasks. So the best way to find an action is using the "Search" box
provided at the top of the Actions Type tab.
Executing a Project
To execute a project, you can click the run button on the Automise toolbar. Running
a project puts the Automise IDE into a running state where it automatically selects
the current action being executed as well as displaying logging information in the
log (see below). When a project is running you cannot edit any actions, but you
can change tabs to access the Run Status or Variable Watches for example. You can
also pause or stop a project using the Run menu or the toolbar buttons.
Run Log
The run log is where the output and logging messages go during the execution of
an automation project. The log is organised in the same hierarchy as your project
and records all the timing, status, and messages which occurred during the project’s
execution. If “Live Log View” is selected, the run log is updated in real time,
so that you can watch the progress of you Windows automation project.