An advanced web user interface - Continua CI

Rich, Web-based UI

Embrace the Power of HTML5

Continua CI is rich, web-based application built to maximise the power of HTML5. Whether you are monitoring the latest build run or checking a build's history, Continua CI will constantly update to reflect your build's progress and results.

When running a build, Continua CI will keep you up to date with your build's progress and estimated build time. Based on previously run builds, Continua CI can accurately predict and update the remaining time of each stage.

Control Your Builds from Anywhere

By embracing HTML5, Continua CI follows you, no matter where you are. Trigger builds, view build metrics and keep up to date with your build pipeline from anywhere in the world.

The Continua CI user interface can be accessed from anywhere with any device. Whether you prefer your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone, you can monitor track your builds with ease.

No Annoying Client Installs

Every workstation in your workplace can run and access Continua CI. Users can be configured within seconds to access Continua CI without the need for messy client installs.

Maintenance and workstation setup is simplified with all Continua CI's settings and configurations living on the server and IIS. Configure Continua CI once and it just works.

With support for both Active Directory and application authentication, Continua CI's user security can be configured to fit into your environment.