Hi Miruna,
Some users were having issues passing in arguments which were not strings, such as arrays. If we wrapped all the argument in double quotes these would be ignored . Other users were having issues with character escaping within quotes .
We spent some time looking into solutions which would work for these cases. This issue is complicated because we need to call the script using “invoke-expression -Command” so we can get an exit code and know if the script has failed. We found that this works best if strings were sent to PowerShell as named arguments surrounded in single quotes and other data types were wrapped in parenthesis.
In previous versions the field description stated that arguments should be surrounded in double quotes ‘The arguments to pass to your script. e.g. -param1 “value 1” -param2 “value 2”’
We have now changed this description to “The arguments to pass to your script. e.g. -param1 ‘value 1’ -param2 ‘value 2’ ‘unnamed argument’”. Now any arguments which are wrapped in single or double quotes are converted to single quotes and are sent to PowerShell as named arguments. Any arguments not wrapped in quotes are surrounded in parenthesis.
Sorry that you need to change all PowerShell actions to deal with this changes, but without quotes we cannot reliably determine whether the argument is a string or one of the other PowerShell data types. We plan to make it easier to make changes across all Continua projects in future.