VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

Dave Sparks
Dave Sparks
Team Leader and Senior Developer for Continua CI Server

A brief look at system-defined Continua CI server properties - old and new.

Version 1.9.2 of Continua CI has been released. This post is a reminder of the new functionally in this version for exporting project configurations to a file (which can then be imported back into Continua CI), the ability to requeue failed stages, and improvements to build cleanup settings to allow each type of build by-product to have a different shelf life.

This new beta release includes functionally for exporting project configurations to a file (which can then be imported back into Continua CI), the ability to requeue failed stages, and improvements to build cleanup settings to allow each type of build by-product to have a different shelf life.

This post explores the options currently available in Continua CI for running daily builds.

This new beta release includes substantial improvements to the expressions engine including new several expressions objects and functions. We have also made some updates to the stage editor, implemented automatic report generation for some reporting actions, and added several new deployment actions providing support for Docker, Azure, SQL packages, File Transfer and SSH.

Today we released version 1.9 of Continua CI. Here's a summary of the main new features.

New archiving functionality added to the workspace and repository rules in Continua CI

Introducing Continua CI Version 1.8.1

New Continua CI Version 1.8 features

New Continua CI Version 1.8 beta features