VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.
If the development team is serious about creating quality software, then the entire team should care about the build being broken.
Automise 2 is now in public beta testing.
A severe storm swept throught Canberra on new years eve, damaging the roof of our office building a flooding our office!
If you're sitting on the fence, one side is batch files, xml files, or no build process at all, and the other side is a fully automated build process - well, now's the time to take the plunge :)
I've been reading Nick Bradbury's series of posts about simplicity vs. features. Definitely worth a read, here's the links
We've just released a minor update to Automise, so it's now at version 1.5 There a lot of bug fixes, enhancements, and a few new features.
The story of running a one day special of Automise via Bits du Jour.
If you're thinking about buying Automise, or you need an automation tool for Windows... today is your lucky day!
Good on you Plip; Who Broke the Build?