VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

Tate Needham
Tate Needham
Tate's Blog

Just beefed up the Vault support in FinalBuilder 3.0. FB3 adds support the Diff command and GetDiffLabel commands from Vault 3.0

We've made a lot of cool changes in FinalBuilder 3 with variables.This particular enhancement makes it easier to edit expressions

Coming up in the January 2005 (Issue 113) of The Delphi Magazine -Craig Murphy reviews Automated Build Studio and FinalBuilder

Roy Osherove has demo'ed a list of Cool Tools Every .Net Developer should be aware of at the .Net Deep Dive event; FinalBuilder is listed, very cool!

Sending MSN messages

Here's a cool utility to send MSN messages as part of your build scripts.

I've been working on adding database actions for FB3. One action is to run a stored procedure using ADO.

One of the new set of actions in FinalBuilder 3 is the support for 7Zip. 7Zip is a file archiver with a very high compression ratio

Came across this interesting comparison between FinalBuilder and WANT, it's so interesting that it needs to be translated from Chinese to English.

FinalBuilder 3 in Beta

FinalBuilder version 3.0 is currently in Beta.The beta is curretly open to existing FB2 customers.

Search Engine for Source Code

This is cool... it's a search engine where you specify the language (eg. c#, vb, delphi, etc.)