VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

Do you mind giving your email address in exchange for downloading a trial version? Read on to see how we've just changed from direct download to a hybrid solution.

Some of the possibilities for using FinalBuilder in place of MSBuild for Team Foundation Build processes.

This is now becoming an anuual event. We did a quick customer survey a couple of weeks ago

Nick Bitounis, Chief Technology Officer at Codix talks about how FinalBuilder takes the pain away from doing builds.

Frank Eden, Principal Software Engineer at TOWER Software, talks about how FinalBuilder integrates so well with all the software products they use.

Adam White, Manager of Test Engineering at PlateSpin talks about how FinalBuilder revolutionized their build process.


Regulazy is a visual Regular Expression builder - looks like Roy has been busy :)

The sudoWn project can execute individual programs (or even a whole Windows shell) with temporary Administrator privileges iunder your user profile

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Take this quiz to see if you can tell which ones are Serial Killers, and which are Programming Language inventors...