VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.
Isn't it pretty :) Probably too many tables in there, but we've got our hands tied because of the combination of the skin we chose and DotNetNuke.
I suppose that when I heard about the new Wii controller I thought that was cool.... but probably quite limited
This is what I've been waiting for.... and looks like it's finally going to happen
Before you decide on a tool to help you with your software builds, there are many things you need to consider; I have listed five of the most important ones.
Automise: Automate almost anything
Roy Osherove has an interesting few questions and answers about Agile Vs. Formal Methodologies.
There's a short article about a change to .ico files for Windows Vista on The Code Project
Microsoft introduced their Authenticode code signing mechanism in 1996
Brad Wardell's 10 rules for success... a very interesting read.
Here's an interesting blog entry from the Windows Installer Team