VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

Kenji Obata from XenoCode has just moved his build process to FinalBuilder

One of the difficult issues we face as a small isv, is managing growth. The fact is we are growing and our customer base is expanding, which is great

FinalBuilder 3.1 is out

We've finally got our new server up-and-running, YAY!

Office Re-org

We've spend most of today re-organising the office. The office isn't too big, and we're getting ready to expand and so need to squeeze more desks in.

Roy Osherove (of ISerializable) praises FinalBuilder 3 on his blog...

The review is at: http://www.larkware.com/Reviews/FinalBuilder3.html

Hmmm, someones certainly has too much time on their hands, they've written a video game in ANT.

Resize Firefox search bar

I've always wanted to resize the search bar in Firefox. By default it's a bit small and I didn't want to waste any more space

Nice (mini) review of FinalBuilder

Check out what Tim Heuer has to say about FinalBuilder.