VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.
Continua version 1.5 is now available for download.
New dashboards for Continua
Walkthrough on how to unleash the power of Automated UI Testing with Continua CI
The job market (well, at least in Canberra and Australia) is generally pretty, ummm... tight. Good for people looking for jobs, but we're finding it hard to find a sales and marketing person.
I've been reading Nick Bradbury's series of posts about simplicity vs. features. Definitely worth a read, here's the links
A couple of weeks ago we got a small bar fridge for the office... and it's stocked with a variety of drinks (non-alcoholic unfortunately...)
Here's the next installment of some of the statistics we got from the customer survey
Brad Wardell's 10 rules for success... a very interesting read.
Here's our new VSoft Technologies aggregate RSS feed:
New website, check it out: http://www.finalbuilder.com/