VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.
CEO and Original developer of FinalBuilder.
A while back I published the VSoft.CommandLineParser library on github, which makes it simple to handle command line options in delphi applications. I have updated it to support commands, where each command has it's own set of options.
Pretty much every native windows application these days includes an xml manifest file. This post shows how to modifiy those files in FinalBuilder
FinalBuilder 8 is now available for download.
This post shows how to add NTLM Single Sign on to Nancyfx applications using Owin on Windows.
Finalbuilder 8 Beta is now available for download. This post describes what's new/changed in FinalBuilder 8.
Each version of Delphi adds around 200 characters to your system path. With the windows path length limit, strange things happen when it get's too long.
A simple Command line arguments parsing framework for Delphi.
DUnitX has been updated to support filtering of tests from the command line.
Continua CI 1.0 has an Update GitHub Status action, however it's cumbersome to use. Continua CI 1.5 introduces a new way to do this, Build Event Handlers.
Continua CI 1.5 introduces new Skip and Promote Conditions which allow you to dynamically control which stages run.