VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

All about updating FinalBuilder for Windows Vista

If you're sitting on the fence, one side is batch files, xml files, or no build process at all, and the other side is a fully automated build process - well, now's the time to take the plunge :)

Patrick Philippot, a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), owner of MainSoft and independent consultant, talks about how FinalBuilder allowed him to automate his build process and integrate multiple configurations, saving time and avoiding costly mistakes.

FinalBuilder 5 is out!

It's been almost a year in the making, but today is the day - FinalBuilder 5 is released

It seems that links I post on my blog get screwed up in the rss feed... sorry... :(

FileSets are cool. We introduced them in FinalBuilder 4 but in FinalBuilder 5 we've made them natively supported by more actions

We've added two actions to FinalBuilder 5 to manipulate image files (ie. JPEG, GIF, etc)

For FinalBuilder 5 we've added a new set of actions for storing and retrieving data in stacks and queues. These actions allow you to build up a list of items and then access them them in either a first in, first out (Queue) or first in, last out (Stack) manner. Create a new Stack or Queue using the Define action, and then to add items, use the Push or Insert actions. To use the items in the list, either use the Pop action to access them one at a time, or use the Iterator to perform the same action on each item until the list is empty.

We've introduced a new wizard that runs the first time you start FinalBuilder 5 (and it's in the Tools menu). The Configure Wizard is designed to make it easy for you to turn off packages that you'll never need. They're still installed, and can be easily turned on if you need them later, but it's a good way to encouraging people to turn off some packages.

We're getting close now :) Please email support at finalbuilder dot com if you find a bug/issue or would like to make any comments.