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Continua CI and FinalBuilder (both released today) provide somewhat better integration between the two products.  

Continua CI 1.8

The FinalBuilder Action in Continua CI now produces an xml file that is consumed by FinalBuilder when run under Continua CI. This xml file contains all the useful information about a build, such as version numbers, changesets, variables etc. 

There is also a new option on the action that will automatically apply Continua CI variable values to matching FinalBuilder variables. What this means is, if you have a variable declared in both FinalBuilder and Continua CI with the same name, FinalBuilder's variable will automatically get the value of the Continua CI variable at runtime. This option is only available for FinalBuilder 8, if you select FinalBuilder 7 the option will not be visible. If the version of FinalBuilder 8 you are running does not support this integration, a warning will appear in the Continua CI build log. 

FinalBuilder 8

FinalBuilder 8 has two new actions.

The "Is Running Under Continua" action is an If Then style action, i.e. the children of this action will only run if FinalBuilder is running under Continua CI.  

The other action is the Continua CI - Get Version Info action - this action will take the version info from Continua CI and apply it to a version info property set in your FinalBuilder project.;


The action is smart enough to use the correct version info scheme depending on whether the propertyset is a win32 or dotnet propertyset. This greatly simplifies getting the version info from Continua into FinalBuilder, no need to declare 4 variables on both sides and set them in the FinalBuilder Action in Continua CI.


That xml file I mentioned above is loaded into a Continua object model that is available in action script events. If you do make use of it, you should be sure to check the Continua.IsRunningUnderContinua property before using the rest of the object model (the script editor provides intellisense for the model.

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Robert Love 9 years ago

This will really reduce some of our complexity in our build process. Thank you for this improvement.

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