VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

Throughout the lifespan of FinalBuilder and Automise, we have worked very hard to avoid breaking changes - however sometimes they are unavoidable.

Today's updates to FinalBuilder 8 and Automise 5 have a breaking change in the SSH Batch Execute action. Previously, this action would manage it's own connect/disconnect - the breaking change is this action now requires separate SSH Connect/Disconnect actions. 

The reason for this is complicated, but it was brought about by us changing the client library we use for the SSH actions. The previous client library had too many issues that we were unable to work around. The most annoying example - the actions would not work correctly/reliably with openssh running on windows servers. We did try to fix this issue, but in the end the only viable option was to replace the library (something we were planning to do in the future anyway).  The new library (Rebex) is much more stable and performant. We plan to re-implement the SFTP actions (which have issues with some servers) with this library in a future update.

We have been using a build with these changes in production for some time now to dogfood these changes. 

To use the  SSH Batch Execute action, add an SSH Connect action before it and an SSH Disconnect after, set the connection name on the SSH Batch Execute and SSH Disconnect to the name of the new SSH Connect action's connection name and you should be all set.

If you experience any issues with the SSH actions in these new updates let us know (with as much info as you can about the server and action settings). 

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