VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

The problem

Windows 11 24H2 breaks scripting in FinalBuilder and Automise. You will see a range of different errors depending on your scripts or the actions you use (some actions use jscript).

The cause

Windows 24h2 enables a policy by default that causes JScript.dll (the com dll) to load JScript9Legacy.dll rather than JScript9.dll

JScript9Legacy.dll is a replacement engine using Chakra - which is an odd choice since it seems abandoned since Edge moved to using chromium. The reason they did this was because of a security issue - which is understandable - but unforutnately it introduces a whole host of bugs they do not seem to interested in fixing (I guess it works for them). 

This issue even affects some of Microsoft's own applications (like Visual Studio)

The work around

The workaround is to disable the policy

Run regedit.

navigate to (for all users) :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

or (for the current user only)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Note these keys did not exist on my machine, so I added them.

Right click the Main key and select New DWORD (32-bit) Value, name the new value JScriptReplacement and the value to 0.

Restart FinalBuilder (no need to reboot).

Obviously, this is not ideal - we have been looking to replace JScript for some time - unfortunately so far our efforts have not resulted in something that is 100% backwards compatible - so we still have some work to do in this area.

Showing 4 Comments

Vincent Parrett last month

I've been using 24h2 for a while now with the policy disabled and not noticed any issues. In the long term we will replace the jscript engine with something else, we're active exploring all options right now (it's our #1 focus) but it's going to take quite some time to get there.

Steve last month

It's for this reason I haven't upgraded to Windows 11 24H2. I can't have it breaking my FB. Plus I hear there are a lot of other problems with 24H2.

Vincent Parrett 4 months ago

I have looked at DWScript, it doesn't fit into our usage model (I forget the details but wasn't able to get it working) - as DWScript supporting Javascript - that's unlikely to happen - DWScript and Javascript are very different in design (not just the syntax) - creating a Javascript engine is a massive task.

Ergoj 4 months ago

You should consider DWScript and sponsor it so that it also supports a JavaScript subset. Fantastic, reliable, performant component!

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