VSoft Technologies Blogs


VSoft Technologies Blogs - posts about our products and software development.

It's no secret that we are always working on the next version of FinalBuilder and Automise - that's the nature of software development. That said, the next major versions are taking much longer than we would like - the reason for this is dealing with serious technical debt (active scripting).

With this extended development cycle, there are changes that we finished some time ago that we decided just could not wait for the next major version. We backported those changes to the FinalBuilder 8.x and Automise 5.x - but since some of these changes break project compatibility (with the x.0 releases) we are releasing FinalBuilder 8.5 and Automise 5.5


Our intention is to have a short beta period of a few weeks before releasing (barring any showstoppers). Beta builds are available on the product download page shortly. We do not recommend using the beta builds in production just yet - they have so far only had internal testing here. Like always, projects from older versions should load and operate just fine.

Encryption Algorithm

FinalBuilder & Automise have always used the Blowfish algorithm (with a 160 bit key) for encrypting passwords, apikeys etc.

FinalBuilder 8.5/Automise 5.5 adds the AES 256 Algorithm (with a 256 bit key) as an option.

There is a new IDE option to specify the default project encryption for new projects - this defaults to AES256. Note this only affects New projects. To change the algorithm used for existing projects, open the project info window from the Project Menu, change the setting and click ok and then save the project.

Note that these options will be removed in FinalBuilder 9/Automise 6, when AES 256 will become the default (and projects still using Blowfish will be upgraded automatically).

It's should be noted that Blowfish is still considered reasonably secure, this change is to enabled the continued use of FinalBuilder in organisations must comply with NIST (US) or ASD (Australia) requirements.

Password Variables

In FinalBuilder & Automise we have always attempted to mask passwords from the logs, but occasionally that can slip through.

Any passwords stored in variables were visible in plain text in project project files. For this reason, we have added a new Password variable type. These variables will be encrypted in project files. The backing type is string.

Password UI

All password fields on all now utilise a new password edit control that allows peeking at the value (like the windows 11 password box).

Windows Credential Manager Actions

The Windows Credential Manager actions enable you to read/write/delete credentials stored in the credential manager.

Project file compatibility Warning

FinalBuilder 8.5 project files are NOT downward compatible with FinalBuilder 8.0 - or put another way, FinalBuilder 8.0 cannot load FinalBuilder 8.5 projects. The same applies to Automise 5.5 projects. This is due to some of the changes outlined above.

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