[ RC] Sensitive option not working on expressions

We are pushing some packages to MyGet. For this I have this setup:

1) Variable with the MyGetToken => sensitive
2) Variable with the full url: https://www.myget.org/F/myfeed/auth/%MyGetToken% => sensitive

However, in the output:

Pushing MyPackage 0.2.0-unstable0002 to 'https://www.myget.org/F/somefeed/auth/12345-12345-

Hi Geert,

We only mask variables in expressions generated in Continua. The message you posted is output from NuGet - we have no fail safe way of knowing which parts of the output from external tools we should mask. 

I have added an option to suppress log mesages the Nuget actions in the latest version. This should deal with this your issue in this instance.