version introduced “The Options list for Dropdown Select and Checkbox Select variable prompt types can now be split into Labels and Values.”. I had a use case for this right away. Now, if i query the variable such as “%Mode%” it will give me the value. However, i wanted to add the caption to the log. There seems to be no such option though. The logical step was to try “%Mode.Label%”, which would match “%Mode.Value%”. That is not supported though. Any other ideas?
Sorry, the label is not available - only the value is stored. Variables don’t currently have properties and extending the expression engine for variables would be a major piece of work that we cannot prioritise at the moment.
Alternatively, add the label to the start of each value with a separator e.g. Label:Value, and use the Split function to extract the label $Utils.GetString(%Mode%).Split(":").First()$ and the value $Utils.GetString(%Mode%).Split(":").Last()$.