Access to default values

 Hi all,

Quick question is there any way to get hold of the default values?

For example I would like get the default repository for mercurial as a finalbuilder variable.

Also I can't quite understand why a user needs to stipulate folder/http/https/ssh when cloning a mercurial repository?

On the command its all the same:
hg clone

You could do away with that combo box. and not loose any funcationality, unless i'm missing something.

I'm using FinalBuidler


Satpal Chander

Hi Satpal

You can obtain the default repository and the default repository type with the following piece of javascript (can be used within any action script event):

[code]var mercurialOptions = GetOptionsObject("Mercurial");var repo = "";var repoType = "";if (mercurialOptions != null) { repo = mercurialOptions.Properties.PropertyAsString("DefaultRepository"); repoType = mercurialOptions.Properties.PropertyAsString("DefaultRepoType");}[/code]

Hope this helps.



Regarding the need to specify the connection type - it's needed for the remote repository because we do some connection string building and validation (eg if you are authenticating with https).

For the local repository, you're correct - there's no need to specify it. The (not very good) reason it's there is so that the Choose Repositories tab can be re-used between actions, and depending on the action sometimes the source is local, sometime the target is local. I'll add cleaning that up to our fix list.



 Thanks for your responses.

