Action Build Delphi, Namespace Prexies doesn’t work with variables.
The result is always the default values (after check the config file generated .used).
Pedro Lopes
Hi Pedro,
We will look into this for you today. I haven’t been able to ascertain with a quick review of the application why this would be occurring. Most likely I am just missing something simple which will appear when I have a more detailed look. I will get back to you once I have looked through things.
Hi Pedro,
For the namespaces we in the default ones for the framework type in all cases. If you wish to use a variable to specify these you will need to turn off the loading of compiler options form the project.
I don’t see how can I turn off the loading of compiler options, can you help me?
Pedro Lopes
Hi Pedro,
On the project tab of the “Build Delphi” action, there is a check box called “Load Settings from Project File”. Below this are options for loading “Packages”, “Compiler”, “Linker”, “Directories”, and “Version Info”. Uncheck the option for “Compiler” will allow you to specify the namespace prefixes.
I never had the “Load settings from project file” option checked!
Still not working.
Hi Pedro,
What part is currently not working. As stated previously we always add in the default namespaces, however always list the ones given by the user first. Note that altering the compiler settings will automatically update the namespace prefix field with the default namespace prefixes. This is something to watch out for. Currently I have tested the action and everything is working as expected. Would you be able to provide more details on how this is not working for you?
I have the same problem with namespaces. I’m just begining to use DXE4 with FinalBuilder. Earlier for some years I used FinalBuilder with DXE. My test project compilation in FinalBuilder always ends with message: D:\Projects\NativeXML\trunk\Source\NativeXmlObjectStorage.pas(58) Fatal: F1026 File not found: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\11.0\lib\win32\release\Forms.dcu’
I have Load settings from project file/Compiler option unchecked and I want to this option be unchecked. All my Compiler settings are set in FinalBuilder script. But I want to get only namespaces info from Project settings. I think the best solution would be similar option like for search path: Always use Name spaces from Project Setting File.
best regards
Adam Siwon
Hi Adam,
I have put this request forward as a feature request. I will talk to the other developers here and see what we can achieve.
Hi Jason,
thank you very much for your answer. Now I stop migration my projects to the Delphi XE4 and I will waiting for your decision.
best regards
Adam Siwon
Hi Adam,
Having a talk here with other developers it sounds like potentially a path or framework issue. To narrow it down some more having access to your .cfg file generated during the build in Finalbuilder will be a great help.
To get this file turn on the the “Keep generated .cfg file” in the “Compiler” options tab. The cfg will be located in the same directory as the project being built and will have the extra extension of .used added to it (e.g. “MyProject.cfg.used”). If you could send that through to support with a reference to this forum post I will track this further for you.
Pedro, if your script is also still having issues please feel free to do the same.
Hi Jason,
I sent you requested files.
best regards
Adam Siwon
Hi Adam,
From what I can see changing the framework on the build action to VCL will add the missing namespaces.
Let me know how that goes for you.