Add simple string manipulation

it would be nice to be able to get a substring from a string, (and other simple string manipulations). I know it can be done in a script, but I like things to be more readable, so I try to use FB actions.
Thanks Daphna

thanks for the suggestion Daphna.

There are already some string manipulations available in the Set Variable action. So what sort of extra functionality would you suggest in addition to extracting a substring?


the main things that I would like are :
1. like Pos in Delphi :
i := Pos(Substring, String); (find if Substring can be found in String, and return its position or 0
2. like copy in Delphi :
temp := copy( String, Pos, Len);
Return a substring From String, starting in Pos, Len places.
3. Also would be nice to have something like "Parse String" in wise: Splits a String into 2 Strings in a few optional ways, the main one that I use is: Split value at first occurance of value ;for Instance Split a Variable that is a Path name at the first (or last ) occurance of the value \ . They have also "split value at posion x from left (or right), altho this could be done also with No. 2
4. Return Length of String.

Thanks , Daphna