It would be nice to add Tarma Installer support!
Another vote for Tarma Installer support.
Yes please - this would be great to see.
I’m just evaulating FinalBuilder, but shouldn’t Tarma Installer write the add-on for FB6?
Although I put this request in initially, this was before I realised that you could automate Tarma fully using its own commandline from an Execute Program action...something like:
/build /dProductVersion=%InstallerVersion% %BuildFolder%\src\trunk\src\Installer\ProductInstaller.tip /q1
More details on Tarma's commandline here:
It's been working really well for me so far and I'd highly recommend Tarma too - it's an excellent product!
Another vote for Tarma now v7 Installmate. I just bought it and (obviously) am quite happy with it.