Alternative to BPG with Delphi 7?

I am trying out FinalBuilder using Delphi 7 as my dev environment.

The wizard requires that I open a Borland Project Group (file, namely *.bpg). However, the projects I've created with D7 do not have a .bpg file. Is there a workaround, or am I doomed to use DUnit, et al?

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Hi Clay

You can just add a Delphi Action (press ctrl+I, type delphi to search for the delphi action, then hit the the down arrow key and then enter for a quick way to add an action), set the compiler version to Delphi 7, and select your delphi 7 dpr file. If the project has a .dof file then the “load settings from project file” button should be enabled, click it to configure the action using the projects settings.

The bpg import wizard is for importing project groups.

OK, thanks!