ANT_HOME environment variable not set


 I have this variable set in the User and System variables. Not sure why I get this error when running an Ant action.

Error          | Ant Project              | Ant Project                                                                     | 16:42:06   | 16:42:06 | 00:00:00 |
ANT_HOME environment variable not set.

My variables are:

ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.9.2

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_30

Please advise.



Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit

FinalBuilder 7 Build 2538

You need to make the variable available as an Environment Variable. There is an option for this on the edit variable form.


 I don't think I understand. I have ANT_HOME defined as a  Windows Environment Variable and it displays in the list in FinalBuilder:

Attachment unavailable

That should be enough. Processes started from FinalBuilder get the same environment block as it has, plus any additional env vars it defines. Did you define the variable for all users or current user? Is the build running under the same user?

Try running a dos command action, make the command : set

and see what variables are listed.


I rebooted the machine and FinalBuilder is using the Environment Variables now.

