We have now reproduced this. The code where we remove duplicate artifacts (e.g. those matched by more than one rule) is erroneously discarding files with different filenames but the same content hash. I suspect all the files in your test have the same content?
In my test case: yes, they all have the same hash. But I created the test case trying to reproduce another scenario which I am having issues with (last part of finalbuilder script not being executed).
I suspect the finalbuilder script is executing fine, is just the log view for finalbuilder projects in continua is not 100% correct. The problem is the two logging systems were created by different devs, the dev who wrote the logging for continua didn’t take into account the needs of FinalBuilder. This will be fixed with FB8.
In the mean time, export the finalbuilder log to html in the build workspace, add a workspace rule to copy the html file back to the server, and add a Report to the configuration to display the html file. This is what we are doing for FinalBuilder’s build process at the moment.
Turning on the options to log workspace, repository and artifact files copied in the stage options dialog may help to work out if any files are missing from the workspace when the script is running
Turning on the options to log workspace, repository and artifact files copied in the stage options dialog may help to work out if any files are missing from the workspace when the script is running
I know that it is incorrect in async scenarios, that's why I already output to HTML.
At the end of the build => output html OnFailure=> output html with only errors
The reason I started to repro is because no html was there (no error, no end build). It seems to happen when a child action list calls Exit action list. From that step, it just stops continuing the script.
What build of FinalBuilder are you using? This sounds very much like a bug that was fixed a few months ago. If you are using the latests, try and narrow it down to the smallest reproducable case and send it to support.