Async Group compilation of VS.NET soltuions cause weird errors

Whenever I try to use ASync Groups for compiling VS 2010 Soltuion files, I'll get errors like this on a Build VS.Net Solution action

Error Updating Assembly Info : ERROR : Unable to find : D:\OurMainFolder\Project1\Project2.csproj

This is happening on both Win7/x64/SP1 and Win2008R2/x64/SP1 with FB 7.0.01651 (as well as a previous build - 1380).  For some reason, only when doing this Async, FinalBuilder seems to go looking for a given project in the wrong folder.

I have lessened the occurence of it by having a 2 second stagger and max of 6 concurrent operations.  But it is still too unreliable and I must disable the Async feature of the group for the sake of consistency.


Hi Mike

Thanks for reporting this.

The following build contains a fix for this:

This bug was caused by a threading issue when expanding the relative paths to the csproj files from the solution file. Note that if you have any other actions under your Async group that modify the current Windows directory, this error may continue to occur. We are looking at improving this to prevent such problems.


Thank you Stephen, that solved my issue.