Azure AD and SSO authentication for GitHub

My company has started enforcing GitHub organisation security using Azure AD authentication and SSO.

For our local GitKraken clients, it is pretty straight-forward, as we authenticate interactively with the company Azure AD identity and have authorized a personal key to use with our GK instances.

How do we solve this for a build server that runs as a service?

Most likely it will be via access tokens - but we will need to investigate.

Hi Lars

Are you using Github Enterprise or Github Enterprise Cloud?

I can say now this isn’t going to be a quick fix - we will need to get setup with azure and gh enterprise etc first before we can even test this. So the more information we have up front the better - probably best to contact support @

BTW, I can tell Github is owned by MS now, overlapping product names, different names for the same thing so GH has become the same confusing mess as everything MS/azure.

We are using GitHub cloud hosted.

Sending a mail to support.