Bug with embedded % characters

I am trying to send an e-mail message with a Send Email action.The message includes a variable that holds text I received earlier from the interactive user using the InputBox action.If this variable holds a % character - the action fails… Seems unreasonable to me to expect the user to know that…The send mail action text is:-----------Some information here:%mailmessage%------------Where %mailmessage% holds the input I accepted in the InputBox action earlier…

You can disable further variable expansion by using the following syntax:


Hi Ron

The problem you are seeing is caused by how Automise does variable expansion, which is recusive by default. This article explains it and has the answer on how to resolve the problem : https://www.finalbuilder.com/articles.aspx?mid=370&ctl=ArticleView&articleId=10

Thanks. I will give it a try.