Build 2324 - AssemblyInfo Action not reflected in Visual Studio Action output

I have 3 stages for a configuration.

Build -> Package -> Deploy.

The build stage has the following actions

1. AssemblyInfo Updater - set the AssemblyInfo.* file in .net solution to $Version.Build$

2. Build solution with Visual Studio Action (Debug).

3. Copy the changed AssemblyInfo file to $Workspace$\Output\

The package stage includes

1. Build solution with Visual Studio Action (Release)

2. Create a directory in $Workstation$\Output\MyComponent.$Version.Build$

3. Copy the VS \bin\Release folder to $Workstation$\Output\MyComponent.$Version.Build$ folder.

The last step is the deploy stage

1. Create a zip file of the $Workstation$\Output\MyComponent.$Version.Build$.

Register all *.zip files as artifacts. These are library/shared components.

 Attachment unavailable

If I add the AssemblyInfo action into the same stage as the Visual Studio Action (Configuration=Release), the Assembly is correctly versioned. That was unexpected. Obviously there is some isolation of source code between stages.
Might need to add that “stage isolation” to the documentation if that’s the desired behaviour within Continua.
In my example I copied the AssemblyInfo Updater Action from the build stage into the package stage.

Changes made to source code during a stage are not committed back to the repository, so if the next stage runs on a different agent it will not see those changes… (or if it has it’s own repo rules then the changes would be overwritten), so you need to copy the changed files back to the server using the workspace rules, and then copy the files to the next agent using the next stage’s workspace rules. The workspace sync rules are applied after the repository rules to ensure this can be done.

Thanks Vincent, I’m beginning to understand the process more and more as I configure more builds.