Build buglet: Delphi options show Seattle checkbox twice

A minor bug…

Select: Tools > Options > Compilers > Embarcadero Delphi

Load Environment Variables at startup from:

[ ] RadStudio 10 Seattle (listed twice)

Tried checking 2nd one in case underlying code did work for Berlin, but resulted in compiler error on build. Unchecked seemed to work with just Berlin selected in combobox.

Sorry, wrong forum :frowning:

Yep, the label issue was reported a few days ago, fixed for the next update.

What was the error? The reason those checkboxes are all off by default, is that you end up with a last in best dressed scenario with delphi environment variables. We recommend only using them if you only ever use a single version of delphi, otherwise you’ll probably encounter dcu compatibility errors at some point.

Thanks Vincent
Can’t remember the error (compiler not found perhaps?).
I work with single compiler VMs, but happy to leave them unchecked in any case. I just thought setting the corresponding checkbox was necessary to match the combo selection.

Spoke too soon.
Compile of Delphi 10.1 app isn’t working (now): “Unit ‘FastMM’ not found”
I have:
* lib path set to include $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\FastMM
* $(BDSCOMMONDIR) set as env variable in Delphi options to my 3rd Party folder
-> Compile works in IDE
-> Not working in FB8 (Delphi options: Berlin in combo and no checkboxes set)

Previous setup worked fine:
-> FB7 + XE8, where FB7 had “Load Environment Variables at startup from: XE8” checked.

I’ll wait for next build before trying again.

BDSCOMMONDIR is one of the variables we virtualise in the Delphi action, because otherwise it becomes impossible to support building against multiple delphi versions in a project (when each delphi version is defining the same variable). So your BDSCOMMONDIR environent variable is ignored by the action (it’s overridden by the action).

For this reason I do not recommend using BDSCOMMONDIR to set library paths in
Delphi for this reason.

The variables the delphi action virtualises are :


FWIW, this hasn’t changed between FB7 and FB8, very little of the delphi action changed during the FB8 dev cycle (other than some minor changes as a result of refactoring elsewhere).

Also, the Load Env vars from RS checkboxes only take effect after restarting FinalBuilder.

Renaming variable fixed the problem, thanks.
Strange it didn’t appear to be a problem in FB7.