Build 892 - Can't delete configuration variables

  1. In a disabled configuration, delete some variables. 
  2. Click 'Exit Wizard' or 'Continue'
  3. Go back to the variables - the deleted variables are there again

First time I've used configuration variables is in 892, so not sure if the problem existed in my install before. I cannot find anything in the event log regarding the variables.

+1. I found a similar issue which, I assumed was a stale data cache issue when editing things within Continua 892. Alternatively a PEBKAC issue of me rushing through screens .

Fixed in next build, thanks guys.

Sorry to report that I've got the same symptoms in 896

Sounds like it’s using the old javascript code, is there any chance the web server is caching the old javascript on you?

Yes, that was it . Thanks Vinnie.