Build the solution, not the projects


I'm evaluating Final Builder 7 and I'm comparing it against another automatic build tool.

I have created the basic steps of getting code from TFS and compiling a VS Studio 2008 solution.

However, I notice in the log that Final Builder 7 calls;

Running C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ with parameters : /build "Release|Any CPU"/project "MyProject.csproj" "C:\Automated Builds\MySolution.sln"

for every project in the solution. As this solution has 56 projects, the build process is taking 1 hour and 10 minutes.

If I open the solution manually in VS2008 and build all the projects, it takes 3 minutes.

In the log of our existing build tool I can see the command;

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ "C:\Automated Builds\MySolution.sln" /REBUILD "Release|Any CPU"

which then builds all the projects in 3 minutes.

Can Final Builder 7 be configured to build the solution and not each project?

Thanks in advance,


Under the Apply to Project label on the action properties Solution page, set the option to All Enabled Projects and it will build the solution. If you select either of the other options, then FinalBuilder has to call msbuild for each project, since MSBuild has no way to filter the projects in a solution (other than configurations).