during the build with Continua/Finalbuilder the Build.Version gets modified. How can i retrieve the origin value? I can work around by saving the value to some configuration value, but there must be a better a way to handle this. I tried with $Configuration.Build.Version$ and %Configuration.Build.Version%, but this is not working as a build tag in an event handler.
$Build.Version$ is set at the start of the build according to the current Version Counter and the Version Format String. If you then change it in an action, but want to keep the previous value for some reason, then you’ll need to precede the action with a Set Variable action to store it in a build variable. The constituent parts of the Version Format String (such as $Build.BuildNumber$) will of course still stay the same so you could also rebuild the original $Build.Version$ string.
your hint was an inspiration to me. I created a configuration variable “VersionString” to define my version. In the [Details] tab i configured the “Version Format String” as “%VersionString%.$Build.BuildNumber$”. I can now use the same string for the event handler.
This is fine with me. Though, it can be an option for Continua to support such an item equivalent to the Buildnumber.