C++ Builder action - Access CompilerOpt parameter


I use script editor in powershell to perform change on a C++ builder action.

Previously, it was made in javascript like that :

Action.CompilerOpt.PreCompiledHeaders = pcNone;

Now, I try the following in powershell :

$Action.CompilerOpt.PreCompiledHeaders = $pcNone

but I have the following error :

Property 'PreCompiledHeaders' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.

$Action.CompilerOpt is of type System.__ComObject, then how can I access and change its properties ?



This is a limitation in the Powershell support, only root level objects are exposed fully. You will have to use Javascrpt for that.

Oh, ok thanks. Do you know if it will be like that in future release ?