Error saving project info file : C:\Builds\src\2DViewer\Build Resources\FinalBuilder\2D Viewer.fbpInf
Access is denied
How can I get around this issue? I don't think that I can tell TFS to not mark everything as read-only sadly, although I do want this as our builds update assemblyinfo.cs files and I want to be able to check these back in.
Sadly you will have to check these files out within the build process before running FinalBuilder.
I was looking at doing this in the FinalBuilder activity itself, however it required a great deal of “working out” if the FinalBuilder project was in source control and then performing the correct checkout/check-in operation for said repository. So something that we will be looking at in the future definitely.
In the meantime simply check out all the *.fbpInf files you wish to store back with the FinalBuilder project. Then check them back in after the FinalBuilder project has run.
Also you could simply not include the *.fbpInf files in the repository if the script doesn’t have persistent variables, or project settings you wish to keep between runs.