Can we install Nuget Packages from a Nuget feed server?



Hi Team,


We have a requirement to install Nuget Packages  during our build process . We are using Final Builder version. Is it possible to install Nuget packages using Final Builder version

If so please help us and explain the procedure we need to follow to install Nuget packages using Final Builder




Nuget support is available in the current release version of FinalBuilder. It’s not available in build 787 though, you will need to update


Thanks for your reply Vincent .


I have one query using Visual studio 2010 we have a option(using Enable Nuget Package Restore ) to restore a nuget package from Nuget feed server automatically when we click on Build button .

Link regarding this is

My Query is is it possible to restore a Nuget Package using MSBuild Action or Build VS.Net Solution in Final Builder ?   Please help us regarding this.

Please help how can we achieve in Final builder ..


No, not at this time. You will need to use the Nuget Actions to achieve this. Package restore is a Visual Studio feature, although they recently added a nuget command line option to restore packages, so we may be able to add this feature in a future build.

Hi Vincent,
We found an article in google regarding installing nuget packages from feed server in Final builder.
This is the link for that :
But we cannot see that option mentioned in the link as we are using Final Builder version.
To get Nuget Install options mentioned in the link can you please tell me the exact version of Final builder we need to upgrade so that we can upgrade to it.

Please help on this.

The actions were introduced in, though for the life of me I cannot understand why you would want to upgrade to an old build rather than the current release build? There are a number of bug fixes and new features introduced since was released.


I cannot see Nuget Actions in . My intention is to get Nuget Actions. Can you please tell me nuget actions are available in of Finalbuilder. If nuget actions are available in of Finalbuilder please suggest us how can we nuget actions .

No, you cannot get new features in old builds, you need to update to the newer builds. If you contact support @ with your license details, we can check which builds you are entitled to and provide a quote for getting up to date.