Cannot get new changesets for repository Master: Running C:\Program Files\VSoft Technologies\ContinuaCI\Server\hg\hg.exe with arguments “commit -m “Automated commit by Continua CI from ‘Master’ repository for revision ‘16665’. Comment: Mein Care Unter Administration / System / Benutzeroberfläche kann nun eine neue Option “Zusätzlich Fälle von anderen Benutzern der gleichen Büroadresse in Mein Care anzeigen” anktiviert werden. .” --addremove -R C:\BuildServer\Rc\e5bbd002 --config ui.username=Continua” failed with return code 255 and error output: "abort: Benutzern: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden "
i think i cannot handle " within the commit message.
We added the comments to the automated commit to the Mercurial repository recently, I’ve fixed it now so that it deals with quotes in the comments. This is probably causing the second issue.