We are using CCNet (Welcome to CruiseControl.NET - Confluence), and we are currently calling FinalBuilder as an task
With the FinalBuilder task for CCNet, we could use the much cleaner task - however:
I do not find the CCNetProject, CCNetArtifactDir and CCNetLabel properties when I run FB in the task. These properties are made available as Environment variables when running as task.
Any plans of adding this to the CCNet plugin?
Hi Espen
I have added some code to expose these properties as environment variables in FinalBuilder. Unfortunately I haven’t had chance to test this yet and probably won’t till Friday.
I have attached the changed dll, if you want to try it, backup the existing file (in the CruiseControl.NET\Server folder) and replace it with the attached dll. You should be able to reference the properties just as normal FinalBuilder variables.
ccnet.finalbuilder.plugin.zip (3.956 KB)
It’s been quite a while since this post. Has the code found its way in the plugin distributed with FB5? If not, will the attached dll work with it? Was it tested?
Thank you,
On Freund
Software Engineer,
Hi On,
The attached DLL download should work with CC.NET 1.0. If you’re using 1.1.1, then this improvement can be found in the plugin distributed with the latest FinalBuilder test builds:
I am actually using 1.2. Will the plugin from the test build work?
Thank you
Hi Yifat,
The CC.NET site is currently down for maintenance, so I can’t exactly tell you at the moment - sorry.
We’re actually in the process of integrating the FinalBuilder Task with the main CruiseControl.NET distribution, so hopefully at some point soon there will be no need for a separate plugin.
- Angus
The CC.NET site seems to be up again.
Any estimate on when to except a version with the FinalBuild task?
Hi Yifat,
Here is a plugin installer built against CruiseControl.NET 1.2.1 (should work with 1.2 as well.) This should be the last version for which you will need a separate plugin.
FBCCPluginSetup-121.zip (264.617 KB)
Thank you very much.