Change path to dcc32.exe when using a delphi build action



I would like to be able to change the path to the dcc32.exe more specifically i want fastdcc.exe to be called. Fastdcc uses the fixed applied in ide fix pack on the command line compiler. ( however i seem to be unable to change this in the options. How does finalbuilder find it, is it hardcoded to dcc32.exe if so would it be possible to make this variable in a future version so we can use fastdcc.exe ? I just wanted to see if it had a positive ilmpact on build speed and thought it would have been configureable.


Willems davy

Hi Willems

FinalBuilder defines a bunch of application variables, including ones that define the location of the compiler. You can override these variables in your project, so for example for D2010, add a project variable DELPHI2010, set the value to the path to the fastdcc.exe. The delphi action uses these variables to determine the path to the compiler. Note that this will not work if you use Eurekalog, as it already replaces dcc32.