Cleanup failure message contains no vital information

I get from time to time error messages on workspace cleanup. Sometimes it’s possible that the path is too long (does your software handle long paths in Windows?) but I also get something likes this:

It contains no vital information, which build, what configuration.
Also how does it mention variables that are used at the build stage in the cleanup stage ?

Hi Michal,

This warning is happening when cleaning up the reports files from the build’s workspace folder. This is why it gives the build id, although we acknowledge that the build id isn’t much use on it’s own. We’ll change it to log the configuration name and build number instead.

Continua does handle long paths, however this is not a issue with paths but with an unknown variable in the Report Filename field of a report associated with the configuration. The variable %SourceAgent% has not been found.

We’ll update the message for the next version, but also maybe skip this error silently as the report file probably doesn’t exist if the variable is unknown. Meanwhile, you can find the build by navigating to https://youserverhostname/ci/builds/view/260994, edit the configuration and correct the report filename. Alternatively, you could edit the clean-up policy to exclude reports.

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