ClickOnce deployment

I'd really, really like to know how to automate the build of a ClickOnce deployed application.

I'd like to use MAGE inside FinalBuilder, but so far I haven't been able to reproduce something that actually creates a ClickOnce enabled application, just like I'm able to do in VS2008.

I'd like to be able to create a certificate if it's not already there, etc, etc...

Can anyone help? Thanks!

Hi Dennis,

You will need to use the 'MSBuild Project' action and specify the target as 'Publish' to deploy the ClickOnce application. I would suggest first configuring the publish settings within the Visual Studio IDE (Project Properties -> Publish) as this will write the necessary properties to the project file, otherwise you will need to provide them to the action.

The following options can be set from the action to change how the application will be published:

- AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile
- GenerateManifests
- TargetZone
- PublisherName
- ProductName
- PublishUrl
- Install
- ApplicationVersion
- ApplicationRevision
- UpdateEnabled
- UpdateRequired
- UpdateMode
- UpdateInterval
- UpdateIntervalUnits
- UpdateUrlEnabled
- IsWebBootstrapper
- BootstrapperEnabled

Information on these properties can be found at:


I tried many times, failed all of them.
I’m switching to copy the deployment to the publish location.