Command line /A option

If you run a project from the command line, and the project includes a MessageBox action or some other interactive action, and you do not use the /A option, what is supposed to happen? When I tried this, the build paused to display the message box whether I used the /A option or not.

I am running FinalBuilder Pro

Hi Jim,

It seems that the MessageBox and InputBox actions were not paying attention to this parameter as they should have. The following build will have MessageBox and InputBox actions fail if the IDE is run up in non-interactive mode (i.e. with /A specified as a parameter).

I think you might have some logic backwards in this new exe (version 3249). When I run the inside the IDE, it fails at the MessageBox with an error, “This action must be run in interactive mode.” When I run from the command line with the /A option, I get the same error. When I run from the command line without the /A option, it displays the MessageBox.

Hi Jim,

You are correct I did have the logic backwards. Apologies for that. Thank you for picking it up and letting us know.

Here is the corrected build with the logic the correct way around.