Continua CI - v1.9.2.1423 Released

Hi All,

A new version of Continua CI has been released and is available from Continua CI Downloads. The latest stable version of Continua is

Changes in v1.9.2.1423

Fix: Corrected display of license expiry on licenses page.
Fix: Added GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 environment variable to git repositories to prevent any prompts which may cause the repository processes to hang and timeout.
Fix: Fix for possible race-condition preventing build from failing after latest changeset cannot be found (e.g. has been deleted from repository).
Fix: Ensure build fails with error rather than as stopped by user after latest changeset cannot be found.

Updates to some third party packages.

New version 1.9.2 features

Full version 1.9.2 change history

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