With got a Configuration with fore Stages
Stage: Embedded Build (with IAR Embedded Workbenche IDE)
Stage: Simulation Build (with Visual Studio)
Stage: Systemtest Build (with Visual Studio)
Stage: Systemtest Run (with Nunit)
If for example the first Stage fails the Build will stop immediately. But maybe the Stage 2 -4 will run without a failure.
Possibility I found to run also the other Stages is to use Flow Control Try and Catch.
If the Embedded Build fails I write in a variable that Stage 1 fails. In the last Stage Gate I’ll check this variable.
But with this hack the display under Activity of the Configuration is not explicit. So all Stage had a green background. Only the Build # has a red background.
Is there a possibility to continue with the other Stage if one of them fails in this the Stage will have a red background in Activity of the Configuration? Â At the End should be a check if one Stage failed the Build will also fail.
Regards Marcel