
It'd be nice if Ctrl+I worked better even when that whole pane was hidden. Strangely it actually works fine, you just can't see it. Perhaps it should temporarily expand the pane, let you type in search terms and when you press enter, hide the pane again.


Hi Steve,

Sorry, it took me a couple of reads before I got what you meant.

I’ve changed the IDE so that the hidden pane pops out again if you type Control-I to focus the Action Types filter. Automatically hiding it again will have to stay on the Wish List for now, though. :).



Coolies. Though since my work very kindly gave me a new 1680x1050 monitor, this has become less important, for me at least :slight_smile:


:). 1920x1200 here, plus a second smaller monitor. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that not everyone has as much screen real estate as we do. :slight_smile: