Debug & function like features

Hello FinalBuilder team!

I have two ideas, that I would like to see implemented sometime down the road:

1. Debug Mode: In debug mode (IDE only), the user will get an dialog when an error occurs, asking what action should be taken:
  a) continue and execute the normal error handling scheme
  b) continue with the next action, ignoring this error
  c) try to execute the failed action again
This would allow the us to fix configuration problems during script execution. For example, if a fileshare is missing on a machine and has to be set up first, when a new machine is added to an environment.

2. A "function like" feature. At the moment, there are only action lists, which is fine by itself. But there are action lists, which are re-used throughout multiple projects and have a "function" like character. Instead of creating an action tab in each project for these "functions" and cluttering the project, I would like to see a function manager, which allows to define fixed and named functions (basicaly library of reusable action lists), which will be available to every project loaded and can be called like any other action list or action.

Hope I managed to get the idea accross with the last feature wish

Kind regards, Marco Heine...