Deleting Variables

It would be great if we could delete variables as well as create them. This would allow us to create any variables we require at runtime to pass data from one action to another and then remove them at the end so that the number of variables is managable. Currently our FinalBuilder have lots of project variables most of which are used to store temporary values. This has led to quite a messy interface for users who need to update the project.

Hi Steven,

Creating and deleting variables at runtime has been something we’ve tried to discourage, although I can see why managing large lists can get cumbersome.

If you’re using Action Lists (and we suggest that you do use them for large projects), then you can use Action List Parameters which are scoped to the individual action list. In FinalBuilder 4, there are some differences between these and fully-fledged variables, but in FB 5 the differences are almost non-existent (you can use them anywhere that you can use a variable.)

We’re also planning to add some ways to categorize variables so it’s easier to tell them apart. Until then, I’d suggest that you use a prefix to indicate what various variables are for, ie you could use a TMP_/tmp_ prefix to indicate temp variables that are just used between actions.

- Angus