This is similar to some other questions, but I’m not sure what the answer was in them.
When building a Delphi 5 project using the IDE, my executable is one size. When building through FinalBuilder, the executable is slightly larger. The senior developers are rightly concerned that they have no way of know the differences between these 2 executables.
Is there a simple way to compare compiler options between the two? I know FinalBuilder can generate a .cfg file, but I’m not sure where to get the Delphi IDE generated .cfg file.
Hi Tim
In the delphi action properties, on the Compiler tab, check “Keep generate .cfg file” option at the bottom left. This will be renamed to yourproject.used in the same folder as the dpr. My guess would a difference in resources linked in, or debug symbols (“Include TD32 Debug Info”). Also check for differences in library paths or search paths.