Delphi compiler not found


I installed Delphi 2006 on my computer where Delphi 6 was already installed and I wanted to compile my fist small Delphi 2006 project with the FinalBuilder 6 (Standard Edition).

If I choose the Delphi 2006 compiler under FinalBuilder 6 with a "Compile Win32 Project" action, then, after starting this action, it always gives me the message "Delphi compiler not found. Please make sure you have specified the correct Delphi compiler version".

I surely choosed the Delphi compiler 2006 for this Delphi 2006 project and under
Delphi 2006 directly it compiles without any error.
Strange to say, it is possible to compile this simple Delphi 2006 project with the Delphi 6 compiler under FinalBuilder.

In the past I used Delphi 6 on my computer and I still want to let it be installed there beside Delphi 2006.

Might it be possible that FinalBilder 6 gets the information where all the compilers are from the registry?
If yes, what and where could it write into the registy so that I can use the Delphi 2006 compiler with FinalBuilder 6?
I have a German operating system (German Windows XP) might this be a reason for this



Download the “Turbo Professional Compiler Pack for Turbo Delphi” from and copy the files to the delphi - bin path.

I also have this problem. How can I tell my delphi compiler path do final builder?

FinalBuilder discovers the location of Delphi installations from the registry. For Delphi 2006, this should be under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Borland\BDS\4.0 where there should be a RootDir string value.

If these registry entries are not there the please let us know.

I need to automate build of very old Tubro Delphi 6 project.
Unfortunately migration to newer versions is not an option.
Ive downloaded latest version of Final Builder.
Ive created the task to build target project.
When i run it it gives me error
“Delphi compiler not found. Please make sure you have specified the correct Delphi compiler version”
Ive looked up this error and found this post

I have command line compilers at BDS\4.0\Bin folder
I have registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Borland\BDS\4.0\RootDir set correctly.
Ive restarted computer.
Still i have same error.
Any ideas what im doing wrong?

Is RootDir a key or a string value? It needs to be a string value. It shoyld point to the root of the install, ie something like :

C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\4.0\

Make sure dcc32.exe exists in the bin folder. If FinalBuilder finds the compilers, it will create some Application variables for it, such as


If you don’t see those variables then it’s not finding the compiler.