Displaying FB Log during TFS build run

We are using FinalBuilder script as a TFS process template. 
FinalBuilder log is shown in the TFS build view only when build is finished. Is there any way to show new log entries while <g class="gr_ gr_184 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-ins doubleReplace replaceWithoutSep" id="184" data-gr-id="184">build</g> is still running?

We are using FinalBuilder script as a TFS process template. 
FinalBuilder log is shown in the TFS build view only when build is finished. Is there any way to show new log entries while is still running?

Hi NazarD,

We are investigating if this is indeed possible, from memory the YAML build process is fairly hard to get to update with command line output (essentially what we are performing). We will give back to you with an answer as to whether this can be improved.

On a side note, the new build actions for Team Foundation Build. This definitely updates as the process is running as all actions are essentially reading output from the command line (or service). You can find the FinalBuilder action located here:


Hi NazarD,

Just checking in to see if the Team Foundation Build action suits your needs?